Welcome to Turnstone Training Solutions
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Queen : 083 421 2496
George : 083 286 4446
Turnstone is about Quality, Professionalism and YOU.
We will make the difference you are looking for.
Turnstone Training is an Education and Training Company
We offer a broad range of SETA accredited courses.
Our core business areas are Education, Training & Development Services. Good leadership takes the ordinary and makes it exceptional.
We believe in taking service and performance to the next level through integrity, customer engagement and relevant business solutions.
We believe in empowerment through education and providing the individual with the opportunity to up-skill, grow and to become leaders.
Why choose Turnstone for your training solutions?

In 2014 we did computer literacy training for over 250 unemployed learners belonging to various Burial Societies with a 95% competency rate. The training consisted of Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint on beginners level.

In 2015 we trained over 1400 learners in Computer Literacy as part of an Inseta (Insurance Seta) skills development project. Training took place in Gauteng, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Eastern Cape and the Western Cape. The project ended in February 2016.

In 2015 our company also trained 150 learners across South Africa in first aid and fire fighting for the GPAA (Government Pension Administration Agency). We also trained 50 other learners in Report writing for GPAA.
Popular Business Courses:
Project Management Course
Our Project Management Course outlines the nature and application of the project and its management.
Assessor Course
Assessor Training provides an overview of education and training in South Africa and the skills development framework.
End User Computing
Our End User Computing builds a solid foundation for Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Turnstone Training Solutions Training Accreditation